Life Green Group offers a wide range of services to suit your every day plantscaping need!
Here at Life Green Group, we offer practical landscaping and environmental solutions to enhance the natural environment and reduce our global carbon footprint.
Life Green Group is a proudly South African, award-winning green solutions company that flourishes in creativity, imagination, innovation, and sustainability. The Life Green Group team takes pride in our unwavering environmental ethos, which strives to promote ‘green’ and sustainable practices, through the healthy and enduring installation and maintenance of vibrant, dynamic, and contemporary ‘green’ spaces. Along these lines, we offer an extensive range of services including landscaping, the construction of greenbelts, indoor plants, sports fields, golf course management and environmental landscaping. Our clients base includes private businesses, corporate headquarters, residential estates, sports stadiums, hotels, schools and country clubs.
Here at Life Green Group, we revel in cultural diversification and professionalism. With over 1800 staff across the board, we offer our clients innovative ideas, specialised guidance, and professional service for all your green space needs. We have departments operating across the Landscaping South Africa industry.
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